The Bengal is defined as the cross between a wild  Asian Leopard Cat and a domestic cat.  The ideal Bengal has the personality of a docile domestic cat and the spots of the wild Leopard Cat.  The traditional  Bengal is brown, black or rust color lying on a tan or orange background.  These cats love water and entertaining themselves. 

Proud members of CFA since 1988 & TICA since 1989
Members in good standing of TIBCS since 1990
Volunteers for FBCC
Ruth & Harry Todice
#14 Farrel Rd.
Newton, CT. 06470

Posted October 24, 2000

Trendar Bengals

Posted October 25, 2000

Lisa Milligan
�Bengallery Bengals�
P.O. Box 36
Morenci, AZ. 85540
Phone: (520) 359-9510
Fax: (520) 359-2642

Posted October 25, 2000

Wildland Bengals

Leopard Spotted, Marble, Snow and Mink
Contact Natasha or Westley Parvin
P.O. Box 201
Letona, Arkansas 72085
Phone: (501) 728-3976
Email: [email protected]

Posted October 25, 2000

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Judy's Jungle Jewels.. Bengal cats are a high energy, water loving, fascinating exotic breed that are part wild Asian Forest Leopard. Our Bengals have great pelts and glitter( metallic gold dusting on ends of pelts) They come for Quad Champion and  Supreme Grand Champion bloodlines.  Our kittens are raised in our home, underfoot, on laps and shoulders, and in our hearts. They are acclimated to children and our dog. Located in Independence MO. 816-252-9126   [email protected]

Judy's Jungle Jewels

contact Marilyn S. Fish                                     22 Maple Ave. Extension                                 Pulaski, NY 13142                                          315-298-4001

Jungle Beat Bengals

Posted: February 8, 2001

Posted October 25, 2000